David and Tim Barton: The Current State of Affairs
Karen Conrad and Richard Harris are joined by David and Tim Barton, founders of WallBuilders. Join us as they discuss: race in American history, and the contributions black Americans have made; 1768: the first black man was elected to Congress and served 49 years; how we are taught a southern version and not a northern version of history; a black patriot was the first blood that was shed in the American revolution; James Armistead, a black spy was the first double agent in American history and was largely responsible for ending the revolution with his information; racism being a sin no matter who does it; 128 nations had slavery in the late 1700s, and the US was the first to ban slave trading and the fourth to abolish slavery altogether; today there are 40 million slaves in the world, more than there has ever been, and slavery is legal in 94 nations today; the divisive spirit in our world today and where it comes from; what your children are being taught in school—true is how you feel and what you believe; Bernie Sanders and socialism; what you can do to help millennials understand the truth about what socialism is and how unscriptural it is; and much more!